Sarsatia is a typical preparation of Western Odisha, which is not found in any other part of the state. It is made out of the pulp of a tree called ‘Ganjari’. To extract the Pulp, peel the outer layers of the Ganjari sticks and soak them in water for four days. On the 4th day when the water is sticky and thick, it is ready for making the sweet.
Sarsatia Ingredients
Ganjari Pulp- 2 cups
Rice powder- 500 gms
Ghee/ Oil- 250 gms
Sugar 1 perforated ladle- 250 gms
Perforated ladle with small holes
Sarsatia Method
- Soak the rice for 1 hour.
- Drain the rice in a strainer.
- Let it dry on paper or a clean sheet of cloth for 10 to 15 minutes inside the room.
- Powder the rice, which is used instantly.
- Mix sugar with Pulp, add rice powder and mix well.
- The batter should not be very thick but of pouring consistency like strings.
- Heat oil /ghee in a wide karai. When ghee is moderately hot, hold the Ladle in your left hand and pour the mixture on it with your right hand.
- The mixture should drop like strings in the karai.
- Rotate the Ladle, so that the mixture will fall round in 2 or 3 layers.
- When the layered mixture is golden brown, drain the ghee and remove it from Karai.
- Keep on a plate. It will be crispy after some time.
- Sarsatia Can be used for a month.