Arisha Pitha Recipe, Arisa Ghee Pitha

  • Post category:Food


Rice- 500 gms

Salt- a pinch

Jaggery- 500

Powdered spices-1/2 tsp (black cardamom

cloves, Cinnamon)

Sesame seeds- 50 gms

Oil / Ghee- Deep Frying


  1. Soak the rice for 6 to 7 hours. 
  2. Wash the pue drain completely. 
  3. Spread on a muslin to dry for 10 to 15 Minutes inside a room.
  4. Pound the rice to a coarse powder. 
  5. Keep aside to use instantly.
  6. Boil jaggery with half a cup of water on moderate heat and keep on stirring. 
  7. Keep a bowl half filled with water to check the syrup
  8. Put a small drop of simmering jaggery syrup into the bowl.
  9. If it does not spread but stays soft and firm, It is ready. 
  10. Lower heat, add salt and start pouring rice powder slowly in a continuous flow stirring constantly. 
  11. When it forms a soft dough, add powdered spices.
  12. Remove from fire pue keep covered.
  13. Spread sesame seeds on a plate or a banana leaf. 
  14. When the dough is tolerably cool, make lemon-sized balls, roll on the seeds and flatten to the thickness of 1/4 Inch
  15.  Deep fry in moderately hot oil till it is brown. It becomes crisp when cool. 
  16. Arisha Pitha stays fresh for a month.

Arihsa pitha is the favourite of Lord Jagannath and is prepared for various puja and festivals. The Several sweetmeats prepared in Odia families during a daughter’s wedding and other Puja festivals. Arisa pitha is very popular for its taste and durability. It is also a popular item In Odisha