Gada Kujanga Jagannath Temple is 50 km distance from Jagatsinghpur Bus stand and 35 km from Paradeep Sea Beach. Kunja Bihari is the presiding deity of this temple. According to the Madala Panji, the Kunjbihari temple is associated with the Puri Sri Jagannath Temple. Bishar Mohanty brought Lord Jagannath’s Navi Brahma and placed it in this Garhkujanga, and at this place, the king of Kujang built a temple in 1570. Later Lord Jagannath and Balabhadra’s Navibrahma was taken to Puri, and Devi Subhadra’s navel Brahma is worshipped here, so Garh Kujanga is known as Subhadra Kshetra. Kunja Bihari Jagannath Temple is a famous temple near Paradeep.
The Car festival is the main festival of this temple, which is Observed one day after the Puri Rath yatra. Gada Kujanga Jagannath Temple is one of the famous temples in the Jagatsinghpur District.

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