Charisambhu Temple is located 15 km distance from Boudh near the village at Gandharadi and Jagati. The temple is a unique centre of Saivism and Vaishnavism. Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva Worshipped separately with two different temples in the same temple premises. There is a twin temple of Nilamadhab and Siddheswar on the bank of the river Mahanadi. The construction method of both temples is attractive. Gandharadi Charisambhu Mandir is a famous tempe in Boudh District.
The Siva Linga has fixed on the pinnacle of the Siddheswar temple, a statue of Madhab on the top of the Nilamadhab temple instead of Trisul and Nilachakra, which is a specific and rare sight in comparison to other temples of Odisha. The sunlight touching the linga of Lord Siddheswar at the time of sunrise is also an attractive sight to the visitors. Charisambhu Temple is one of the best tourist places in Boudh, Odisha.

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