The Gokulananda temple is located at the Bank of River Mahanadi near Sidhamula village and is about 39 km distance from Nayagarh town and 22 km from Khandapada. It is a suitable place for a picnic. Late Sri Baba Swami Ram Laxman Dash Maharaja found this temple. There is a Vishnu mandir located at the top of that mountain. It is nice to watch the scenic view of the hill and the flowing water of Mahanadi from the hill as well as from Sidhamula Bridge. Many people come here to see the scenic beauty of this spot and for a picnic in winter. Gokulananda Temple is one of the best tourist places in Nayagarh District. There is a Sidhamula Nature Camp and a Children’s Park on the top of the hill and Fategarh Ram Mandir is about 30 km from Gokulananda Pitha.

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