Harishankar Temple, Gandhamardhan Hills, Balangir

Harishankar temple is located 81 km distance from Balangir and  220 km from Sambalpur. The statue of Harishankar is a combination of Lord Shiva and Vishnu from the shape of Nursing. it is the presiding deity of the local people. the temple Harishankar is situated at the feet of the mountain Gandhamarjan towards the east and south. A beautiful perennial spring is flowing down nearby the temple towards the north. Harishankar temple & Gandhamardan Hills are one of the popular tourist places in Balangir Distrist

The place is very cool and the natural Sceneries are delightful. There is a Buddha statue in front of the temple headed by seven head serpent, reminding the Buddhist centre of culture and heritage. Besides a small zoo is there which attracts visitors once more. Harishankar temple is a famous temple in Balangir, Odisha

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Destination Attractions, Destination Facilities, Transportation, Accessibility, How to Reach

Temple Opening Time

Harishankar Temple Open time is Monday to Sunday Morning 6 am to 11:30 am and Evening 12:30 pm to 7 pm

Best Time to visit

Best time to visit Gandhamardhan hills & Harishankar mandir at all times of the year.

Nearest Bus Stop

The nearest Bus stop is Balangir, which is located around 81 Km distance from Harishankar Mandir

Nearest Railway Station

The Nearest Railway Station is Harishanker Road, which is located around 54 Km distance from Harisankar Temple

Nearest Airport

The nearest Airport is Biju Patnaik International Airport, which is located around 402 Km distance from Gandhamardhan hills and 225 km from Veer Surendra Sai Airport, Jharsuguda