Chandaneswar Temple is located at a distance of 45 from Jaleswar and is about 88 km from Balasore town. It is a famous centre of Saiva Culture. Lord Chandaneswar is the presiding deity of the place. At the time of the Nilaprava festival called Chandaneswar Mela. A large number of devotees gather here. Digha sea beach of West Bengal is only 8 km from Chandaneswar. It is a glorious coastal city in North Odisha with a beautiful beach. The Balasore city is famous for its mysterious Chandipur Beach and secondary for its heritage temples. Chandana Yatra is the main festival of this temple. Every year a large number of devotees come to see the festival. The temple is a famous tour and tourist place in the Balasore district.
The place remains overcrowded on special occasions like Maha Vishuva Sankranti, Uda Parba, Nila Parba and Chadaka Yatra days. This temple of Lord Shiva is famous for its accessible location and is the centre of worship for devotees of the deity. A black statue of Nandi is also a prime attraction of this holy temple. One can always find a multitude of devotees around the shrine and the temple bell starts ringing from daybreak as the priests start chanting mantras. peoples start pouring in to offer the Lord flowers, fruits, sweets and milk.
Festival at Chandaneswar Temple
A large number of pilgrims visits this temple during Pana Sankranti, the first day of the Oriya Calendar. A fair is organized on the premises on the month of Chaitra that is the last month of the Bengali calendar when people gather from around the world to offer their prayers to Lord Shiva. A large number of pilgrims visits this temple during Pana Sankranti, the first day of the Oriya Calendar. A fair is organized on the premises on the month of Chaitra that is the last month of the Bengali calendar when people gather from around the world to offer their prayers to Lord Shiva. The Temple is well illuminated and looks wonderful to see.
The place is generally overcrowded during this festive season and a lot of activities can be seen. Some sing-song while some meditate in front of the Lord. They do fasting for several days to fulfil their wishes. After some rituals like fasting, prayer and removing Paitas the festival continues. The fair goes on for seven or eight days after the rituals. Many scholars visit the place for religious discourses and to grace the occasion. see. The place is generally overcrowded during this festive season and a lot of activities can be seen. Some sing-song while some meditate in front of the Lord. They do fasting for several days to fulfil their wishes. After several rituals like fasting, prayer and removing Paitas the festival continues. The fair goes on for seven or eight days after the rituals. Many scholars visit the place for religious discourses and to grace the occasion.
Chandaneswar Temple Timings
Though the place remains crowded throughout the year, however the best time to visit the temple is during the Charakmela. Pilgrims come from all over the country, especially from neighbouring states like Bihar, West Bengal and others. It is a wonderful sight to witness as the people flock together to serve their praying to the Lord. There is always a commotion everywhere in the temple. After offering prayers, one can return to Digha and stay in any family hotel in Digha.
So, we can conclude by saying that the Chandaneswar Temple is a must-visit for those who are planning to visit Digha and stay for a day or two. A day off from the beach devoted to Lord would be worth the time. After all the temple is a holy and sacred place that would make one conscious of the presence of the Lord. Source

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