Pacheri Waterfall is a hidden gem near Bolani in the Keonjhar district of Odisha. The Pacheri Waterfall is located near the Odisha and Jharkhand border, 17 km distance from Barbil and 89 km from Keonjhar. The dense forest and the pleasant sound of water create a soothing atmosphere, making Pacheri Waterfall a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Pacheri Waterfall is an excellent destination for those looking to experience nature in its purest form, away from crowded tourist spots. Some mining areas may have restricted access due to safety concerns. Check if you need any permissions or if there are specific times when access is allowed. Pacheri Waterfall is one of the tourist attractions in Kendujhar District. Avoid visiting waterfalls in mining areas during or immediately after heavy rains, as the risk of landslides and flash floods is higher. Jhinkra Waterfall is just 5 km distance from Pacheri Waterfall.
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